One girl's nightmare is this girl's faery tale.
She's a stunner.
Edinburgh, 1844. Eighteen-year-old Lady Aileana Kameron, the only daughter of the Marquess of Douglas, has everything a girl could dream of: brains, charm, wealth, a title — and drop-dead beauty.
She's a liar.
But Aileana only looks the part of an aristocratic young lady. She's leading a double life: She has the rare ability to sense the sìthichean — the faery race obsessed with slaughtering humans — and, with the aid of a mysterious mentor, has spent the year since her mother died learning how to kill them.
She's a murderer.
Now Aileana is dedicated to slaying the fae before they take innocent lives. With her abilities and her knack for inventing ingenious tools and weapons — from flying machines to detonators to lightning pistols — ruthless Aileana has one goal: Destroy the faery who destroyed her mother.
She's a Falconer.
The last in a line of female warriors born with the gift for hunting and killing the fae, Aileana is the sole hope of preventing a powerful faery population from massacring all of humanity. Suddenly, her quest is a lot more complicated. She still longs to avenge her mother's murder — but she'll have to save the world first.
"This has nothing to do with my vow. I want to be there with you until the end."
Holy crap on a cracker. This book was utterly phenomenal. I seriously have no words.
I do admit that I started The Falconer late last year and put it to the side. Not because it wasn't good, it was amazing but The Falconer is the kind of book that is so intense that you need to have the time to sit down and enjoy it and be able to really think about it. At that time I didn't have the time to be able to do that so rather than take away the true experience of what I knew was going to be an amazing book I decided to put it aside for another time. Now is that other time and holy crap it's possibly one of the best book I have ever read in my life. Nothing compares to The Falconer people. You need to read this book now. Need more reasoning okay read on.
Aileana is a debutante by day and a murderess by night. Let's not get all high and mighty and judgy now. She doesn't just kill anybody... she kills the Fae. The evil fae that hurt people. Aileana wasn't always like this. She was completely oblivious to it all until she witnessed her mother brutally murdered by a Fae. Now she is determined to get revenge. To kill the one who killed her mother and she is going to kill every single one that she sees from now until then. Trained by the mysterious Kiaran, a fae who doesn't hurt humans but instead chooses to kill others of his kind, and befriended by a pixie named Derek, Aileana is determined to kill all Fae that she finds... But then she finds out she is special. She is The Falconer, the last in an ancient line of women born to fight the Fae and now the Fae know she is alive they are after her. Things just got more serious.
The Falconer seriously just blew me away. I could not have even guessed how amazing this book was going to be. Elizabeth May drew me in with her incredible steampunk-era Scotland, the crazy fae and the beautiful and kick-ass character of Aileana I was hooked. I could not put this book down and ended up finishing it in one day. It was incredibly.
Aileana is amazing. She is already a kick-ass fighter and stubborn-as-hell chick at the beginning of the book but she goes through such a journey that she just becomes more and more awesome the more you read. When she figures out that she may need to leave her whole life, family and friends, behind does she sit and moan and cry about it? Hell no she creates a new weapon that she can use in her battle against the Fae. She is amazing. She just gets better and better and I think she is possibly one of my favourite heroines in YA fiction of all time.
The Falconer genuinelly blew me away. I could not stop reading. Everything about it is just amazing, the setting, the characters, the storyline. Everything. The more I read the more I fell in love with this world of the Fae. I have to admit that I have a love-hate reationship with Fae books. I either love them or I hate them and this is one that I loved. It was amazing. It reminded me a little bit of Karen Marie Moning's Fever series. It has that dark grittiness to it that Fever has. I loved it so much and it's possibly the best YA Paranormal/Fantasy book I have ever read. I can't praise it enough.
The Falconer has everything. Action, intrigue, romance and a bit of gorey violence. I loved every single moment of it and I am left reeling dying for the second installment. You think you've seen cliffhangers before? You've seen nothing yet until you have read this book. You need to stop what you are doing and go and buy this book right now. It's beautiful, and funny, and heartwrenching all at the same time. This is THE debut of the year and it is not to be missed out on.
Utterly Phenomenal!
"Aoram dhuit. I will worship thee."