Dez Cross has problems. She’s almost eighteen and on the verge of losing her mind thanks to the drug Denazen used to enhance her abilities. People close to her have turned their back on the underground and are now fighting for the wrong side. And then there’s Kale... Things couldn’t get any worse.
Until of course, they do. Denazen is about to start a new trial—this one called Domination—and it works. But that means out with the old and in with the new. The order has been given to terminate all remnants of the second trial—including Dez. The good news is that there’s a survivor from the original trial. A woman who’s blood may hold the cure for the second generation of Supremacy kid’s defect. But the underground Sixes aren’t the only ones who know about her….
Cross is willing to throw everything he has to keep Dez from getting the cure—including the one thing that might tear her apart from the inside out.
Having read the first two books in the Denezen series I was so excited to get my hands on Tremble. I absolutely adored the first two books in the series and Denezen has fast become one of my favourite series of all time. Jus Accardo has a serious talent for writing and I have loved everything that she has wrote to date. After the major cliffhanger that Toxic had I needed this book so bad.
Kale has gone and Dez will do everything in her power to find him. But Kale happens to be the least of her problems as the rest of the Sixes will do anything to save Dez. She is nearing 18 which means her powers are getting stronger and the stronger they get the weaker she gets. Can Dez survive long enough to find Kale? Will Kale be the same person he was when he left? And can they find something to save Dez's life? They are in a race against the clock and it is unsure whether all of them will survive.
I have to admit that for the first half of this series I didn't like it all that much. Well... I liked it but it hurt my heart too much. To have Kale apart from Dez and not know what had happened to him made me very sad. All I wanted was to have them together again and some of this book just made me angry with what was happening. The second half was a hell of a lot better and I ended up adoring this book and feeling like it is the best of the series to date.
The Denezen Series is known for it's heart-pounding storyline and non-stop action. Tremble is no different. I couldn't read this book fast enough. I was dying to find out what was going to happen to these characters and I couldn't stop turning the pages. Tremble is fast-paced and heartstopping. It is packed with action and romance and is everything that you could possibly want in a book.
It's true that this book is tough. It's physically hurts for the most part and if you're a fan of Dez and Kale your heart will break... but it is totally worth it and it just makes everything better once you are through the hard part. I loved Tremble and I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book in the Denezen series.