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Kayleigh {K-Books}

I'm a 20-something Psychology Lecturer and Literacy specialist who is obsessed with anything bookish. I run K-Books, a book-blog that has been going for 2 and a half years. I am also a publicist for Spencer Hill Press.

Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass #2)

Crown of Midnight - Sarah J. Maas

Eighteen-year-old Celaena Sardothien is bold, daring and beautiful – the perfect seductress and the greatest assassin her world has ever known. But though she won the King’s contest and became his champion, Celaena has been granted neither her liberty nor the freedom to follow her heart. The slavery of the suffocating salt mines of Endovier that scarred her past is nothing compared to a life bound to her darkest enemy, a king whose rule is so dark and evil it is near impossible to defy. Celaena faces a choice that is tearing her heart to pieces: kill in cold blood for a man she hates, or risk sentencing those she loves to death. Celaena must decide what she will fight for: survival, love or the future of a kingdom. Because an assassin cannot have it all . . . And trying to may just destroy her.

Love or loathe Celaena, she will slice open your heart with her dagger and leave you bleeding long after the last page of the highly anticipated sequel in what is undeniably THE hottest new fantasy series.



"I worry because I care. Gods help me, I know I shouldn't, but I do. So I will always tell you to be careful, because I will always care what happens."

There are seriously no words to explain how epic this book was. I am still sat here completely reeling from the ending and my head is just spinning from all the epic awesomeness that happened. I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of the first book Throne of Glass from Bloomsbury last year and ever since them I have been literally dying to get this book in my hands. I have so much insane love for this series that no words can actually do it justice. I loved every single moment of Throne of Glass and I devoured every single page of Crown of Midnight. I literally could not put it down.

Celaena survived. She survived through the tournament and has earned her place as the King's Champion. But can Calaena really go through with killing all of the people for the King? Sure she's been an assassin for years but when she hates the King can she really go through with killing for him? Are his enemies really enemies or have they been framed? Caleana must choose whether to follow the duty as King's Assassin or follow her instincts and her heart. One thing is for certain Caleana is walking a dangerous line and crossing it can mean the difference between life and death. In this world nobody is safe.

There were no words to explain how much I loved Throne of Glass last year. In no way could I imagine Crown of Midnight being better and surpassing Throne of Glass. I truly thought that Throne of Glass was so phenomenal that it would be very difficult to beat it... and I still think that but Oh. My. Gods was I wrong. I had pretty high expectations for Crown of Midnight and it didn't only surpass them it blew them up from the strong wind that came as it flew past them up and up and up. I can't even fathom how much geniousness is running through Sarah's head because that is the only thing that I can explain Crown of Midnight as. It is genius! So much happens and there are so many twists and turns that it's a surprise I don't have whiplash already. Crown of Midnight was everything I loved about Throne of Glass and so much more. It was just pure epic awesomness!

Calaena has to be just the best heroine I think I have ever read. She is so kick-ass. I love how she is an assissin. It just proves her kick-ass heroineness. She is strong while still having such a humane vulnerability. I felt like we saw a completely different side to Calaena. We saw her conscience where she was having doubts about killing people and wanting to have a normal life where she could just be another normal girl. I feel like that is such an important part of Calaena. Yes she is an assassin and she kills when she needs to and does what is necessary to survive but she has that humane part of her as well which makes her such a great character to relate to.
Chaol... oh my Chaol. I just love him more than anything. In Throne of Glass I liked Dorian and I liked Chaol. I couldn't really decide between them but was leaning a little more towards Chaol. After Crown of Midnight... Dorian who? It's all about Chaol dude! He is awesome! He is kick-ass, protective and so so sweet. He had me reading the book with the biggest cheesiest smile on my face... like EVER! I just couldn't stop grinning and I couldn't stop swooning! I adore Chaol more than anything! I am officially in love!

I really loved how all the characters came together in this book we saw the romances and the friendships tested and I just loved how they all played out. Calaena, Choal and Dorian and three of my favourite characters of all time. I love their story and how they are all important to each other. It isn't just a love triangle where one can just be pushed to the side because all three of them affect each others life enormously and I love that. I am rooting for Choal and Calaena but I have my heart invested in all three of them and desperately need things to work out for all three of them.

Sarah J. Maas is a genius! I have said it before and I say it again A GENIUS! Because this story just seriously gets better and better the more you read. So many things happened that I seriously couldn't even fathom how she came up with them I was completely left reeling. Last year when I read Throne of Glass I said it was the best fantasy novel I had ever read... I completely stand by that this is without a doubt the best fantasy series I have ever read. No matter how many others I read none compare to this one. Sarah's writing style is so fantastic it literally just sucks you in on that very first page and won't let you out until you have finished. And I'm half convinced that Sarah has some magic of her own... why? I'll tell you. The majority of this book Sarah literally held my heart in a vice and I could feel her with every word slowly squeezing the life out of it. Sarah's magic is her words because she is a literary GOD! Throne of Glass is not only the best fantasy series I have ever read but is fast becoming one of the best series of all time I have ever read. It's right up there with the likes of Jennifer L Armentrout's Covenant and Lux Series (and I am freaking obsessed with them). Throne of Glass is 100% becoming a new obsession with me.

Crown of Midnight was a phenomenal installment in a phenomenal series. I was literally left with my head and my heart spinning going WHAT. JUST. HAPPENED?!?!?!Crown of Midnight was 100% a emotional journey for me. I swooned, I laughed, I cried and I screamed. Multiple times! But then that is a sign of a crazy awesome book! And it was AWESOME! If you haven't read this series yet then why the hell are you still reading? Go out and read Throne of Glass right now you will not be disappointed. I am seriously left reeling and dying to get my hands on the next book. Is it 2014 yet? I need book 3 like right now! This series is a must-read for absolutely everyone!

"It never made any difference to me when it came to you. I'd still pick you. I'll always pick you."