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Kayleigh {K-Books}

I'm a 20-something Psychology Lecturer and Literacy specialist who is obsessed with anything bookish. I run K-Books, a book-blog that has been going for 2 and a half years. I am also a publicist for Spencer Hill Press.

Hover (The Taking #2)

Hover  - Melissa  West

On Earth, seventeen-year-old Ari Alexander was taught to never peek, but if she hopes to survive life on her new planet, Loge, her eyes must never shut.

Because in this world, pleasure is everything, held up by a ruling body that keeps their people in check by giving them what they want and closing their eyes to what's really happening around them. The only hope Loge has is to move its people to Earth, and they have a plan.

Thousands of humans crossed over to Loge after a poisonous neurotoxin released into Earth’s atmosphere, nearly killing them. They sought refuge in hopes of finding a new life, but what they became were slaves, built to siege war against their home planet. That is, unless Ari and Jackson can stop them.

But on Loge, nothing is as it seems…and no one can be trusted.



"My first thought every day for the rest of my life... will be you."

Oh. My. Alien. Goodness! This book was just un-freaking-believable! Right from the moment that I finished reading the first installment in this series, Gravity, I couldn't wait to get my hands on Hover and see what was going to happen. To me Gravity was a phenomenal start to a series and I desperately wanted to see what was going to happen. In no way whatsoever did I think that Hover could surpass Gravity but it did. It completely stunned me and blew me away so much I think I may have landed on another planet. I had pretty high expectations for this book because of how much I adored the first one and it far exceeded anything I could have imagined.

Ari has been taken from Earth and is on a whole new planet with the Ancients. But nothing is ever as she seems. Ari must be on her guard at all times. Can she really tryst the people on Loge? Ari imagined the planet to be peaceful but she discovers many hidden secrets that could threaten everything she could have ever imagined. And what is happening on Earth while she is away? One thing is for sure Ari needs to figure out who to trust and what to do to save the remains of two planets and two people. But there is one thing Ari knows.... no matter what things will never be the same.

I finished Hover days ago and I am still just reeling over what happened. Melissa West is officially one of my favourite authors of all time. She is an absolute genius to come up with this story and execute it to the perfect, phenomenal extent that she has. I am just completely in awe of her for this series. If you had asked me a year ago what I would think about a series with aliens in it I would have been like "Aliens? NO WAY! I don't 'do' Sci-Fi books" but OMG Melissa West just completely changed my perception of alien books. I never thought I would like Alien books but The Taking is one of my favourite series of all time. I have developed such an author crush on Melissa and I am such a fangirl of hers. Her writing style is addictive and I could not put this book down at all. I am just completely blown away by this phenomenal series. I loved every single second of it.

Melissa officially writes the best characters ever. I really loved Ari in Gravity. She was a great character to read about. Well Ari is even better in Hover. When looking at the person she was back at the beginning of Gravity and the person she is at the end of Hover you can really see how much she has grown as a character. She has had to deal with such a lot and she has grown from a girl trying to survive and make her family proud to a kick-ass woman who listens to her own instincts and follows her head and heart to do what is right not only for her own world but for the Aincents too. I absolutely love her.

I was so confused about Jackson in the first book of this series. I liked him but then he was such an ass sometimes that I didn't really know what he was about. Well my mind is completely made up now! I am completely head-over-heels in love with Jackson. He is just so amazing. We see a totally different side to Jackson in this installment and you get to see just how much he has to deal with back on his home planet. This is one alien that I would move planets for!

Hover is a phenomenal installment of The Taking Series. It completely stole my heart and my breath. I could not read this book fast enough. So much was happening and it had me freaking out through pretty much the entire second half. I just couldn't stop reading as I had to know what was going to happen. I went through pretty much every emotion possible while reading this book. I was happy, I was sad, I was angry. I was totally in love and swooning and then totally heartbroken wanting to just go into the foetal position and cry for hours. Hover literally has everything that you could possibly want in a book. Non-stop action that stops your heart and breath-taking romance. I loved every moment of it.

 Be warned if you are expecting something just like Gravity you will be shocked. Melissa completely pulled it out of the bag and there were so many twists and turns I thought I had whiplash. It kept me guessing right until the very end and just when I thought I had figured out what was going to happen BAM! It went in the total opposite direction to what I thought. So much more happens in this book than Gravity and it is way more intense and violent. It was possibly one of the best books I have ever read in my life. I need book 3 like right now... but until then I will just go and sit in a corner and rock back and forth like a crazy person and cry.

This series is a must-read. Go read it now!

"What can I say? For me, it has always been you."