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Kayleigh {K-Books}

I'm a 20-something Psychology Lecturer and Literacy specialist who is obsessed with anything bookish. I run K-Books, a book-blog that has been going for 2 and a half years. I am also a publicist for Spencer Hill Press.


Sunspots - Karen S. Bell

Sunspots follows the healing journey of a young woman thrown into the horror of losing a spouse. It is a story of loss and redemption and the ghosts that haunt our lives and our houses. Skirting the genres of magical realism and romance, Sunspots, explores the existence of the afterlife and the paranormal. The story takes the reader on a path of high emotion as Aurora uncovers Jake’s secret life and her own internal conflicts as she matures to self-awareness. Narrated by Aurora, the novel's tone vacillates from irreverent humor to solemnity as she relates her previous life with Jake and her present challenges. The title refers to the solar maximum which became the backdrop for Aurora’s conception when her hippy parents went to Canada to observe the Aurora Borealis. In name and in spirit, Aurora is connected to the observable and unobservable energy around us. With the help of friends, family, and the ghost of Viola Parker (her home's original owner), Aurora accepts her fate and the secrets revealed about Jake's true character. She realizes that in this life she will finally break the cycle of pain caused by her love for this man, Jake Stein, through the centuries.



I hadn't really head anything about this book before getting involved with the blog tour. I read the blurb and was instantly intrigued. I thought it just sounded fantastic. I wasn't wrong. Sunspots is an incredible story that is emotional and uplifting. I really enjoyed reading it and going along for the journey with the characters.

Aurora is devastated. She has lost the love of her life. But while dealing with the loss of her true love, Jake she uncovers that he had a whole secret life. While going on a journey to discover the truth Aurora must face many troubles and challenges, including a self-discovery about herself and her life. Was Jake really her true love? Did she really know him at all? And will she be able to move on?

I felt that Sunspots was a fantastic story. It takes you on a journey of secrets and drama and self-discovery. I really loved so many aspects of this book. It was a beautiful romance with a deeper meaning and such an inspirational and uplifting message. I also loved that there was a mix of magic in there. Everyone who knows me knows how much I adore paranormal and fantasy and so having just that touch of magic just made the book complete to me.

Aurora went on such a fantastic journey throughout this book. Not just in the literal sense but in the sense that she grew as a character. We experienced everything along with her and I felt like that was what made this book just a little bit magical. Aurora has such a tough time throughout the book and it just makes her that much of a tougher and stronger character and I loved that about her.

Sunspots had such a great story and I really enjoyed reading it. One problem that I had though was the writing style. I found it a little weird compared to other books I have read. I found that the writing lacked flow for me. It seemed a little choppy and like the narration told you what was happening and how Aurora was feeling rather than showing you. That took it away from the story I felt. Because of this I couldn't really connect with the characters and story on an emotional level as I usually do. I am a highly emotional person and when reading I usually feel everything along with the character. With this one although I still do admit it is a highly emotional book and I enjoyed going along with the story and going on that journey but I felt like I wasn't connected to the story as much as I would have liked to have been.

Sunspots is a highly enjoyable story and I would recommend to any fans of this genre. I just felt like the writing style stopped me from feeling the story and enjoying it to the full extent that I wish I had. Because of this reason I feel like there was just something missing for me.