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Kayleigh {K-Books}

I'm a 20-something Psychology Lecturer and Literacy specialist who is obsessed with anything bookish. I run K-Books, a book-blog that has been going for 2 and a half years. I am also a publicist for Spencer Hill Press.

The Iron Queen (The Iron Fey #3)

The Iron Queen  - Julie Kagawa

My name is Meghan Chase.

I thought it was over. That my time with the fey, the impossible choices I had to make, the sacrifices of those I loved, was behind me. But a storm is approaching, an army of Iron fey that will drag me back, kicking and screaming. Drag me away from the banished prince who's sworn to stand by my side. Drag me into the core of conflict so powerful, I'm not sure anyone can survive it.

This time, there will be no turning back.
"I wished that, for once, faery tales - real faery tales, not Disney fairy tales - would have a happy ending."

Wow, this series just keeps getting better and better. I had had this series sat on my bookshelf unread for so long and when I finally decided to start this series I had no idea how much I would love it. This is without a doubt the best Young-Adult series about Fey I have ever read.

Meghan thought it was over. She had killed The Iron King, stolen the Sceptre of the Seasons back and returned it into the Winter Court. Now she is looking forward to her time back home in the mortal world with her beloved Ash. But things never go the way Meghan planned. Soon she is forced back into the world of the Fey and finds herself in the middle of the war that they must win or watch the world of the Fey be destroyed. No pressure or anything. Will she be able to save the Fey and escape with Ash or are they doomed to be torn apart forever?

The Iron Queen was without a doubt the best book of the series so far. It completely blew me away. I absolutely adored it. It was definitely the most emotional book of the series and by the end I was sat in tears completely heartbroken about what was happening. Julie Kagawa is incredible at making you feel like you are actually inside the book watching all of this happening and I could not stop reading. The Iron Queen is definitely a page turner and I couldn't put it down. I needed to know what was going to happen.

This is the book where you really see how much Meghan has changed from the beginning of the first book to where she is now. She's definitely not that innocent, sweet girl who went into the land of the Fey to look for her brother. She is wiser and stronger and will do everything in her power to make sure the Fey do not get destroyed. Even if it means sacrificing the love of her life, Ash or even her life itself.
Ash is amazing in this book and I just fell even more in love with him. You definitely see more of the sweet side of him in this book. Now he's not worrying about how the Winter Court sees him you really see more of the 'real' Ash. I loved him.
I really loved seeing more of the relationship between Ash and Puck. It makes me laugh so much. They are always insulting each other but I'm pretty sure there's a love-hate friendship going on there. I love Puck he's hilarious and I cannot wait to see what happened with their friendship in the next book.

This book completely broke my heart. The ending is heartbreaking and I cried. A Lot! If it wasn't for the fact that one thing didn't get resolved I think this would have been the perfect ending of the series. Though I am glad it's not because at least that means I have one more awesome book to look forward to.

The Iron Queen was amazing. Fast-paced and action-packed it was 100% the best book in the series so far. I laughed I cried and I just thought it was incredible. I have no idea how Julie is going to beat it with The Iron Knight. I have heard that The Iron Knight is the best one but right now I can't see how it's going to beat it. I absolutely adore this series and I cannot wait to see how it ends.

"I will always be your Knight, Meghan Chase. And I swear, if there is a way for us to be together I will find it. No matter how long it takes. If I have to chase your soul to the ends of eternity, I won't stop until I find you, I promise."