The new novel from the bestselling author. Journalist Kitty Logan's career is being destroyed by scandal. Simultaneously, she faces the death of her mentor and friend of ten years, Constance, who has guided and taught her everything she knew. All Kitty is left with is a file in Constance's office: a list of one hundred names. There is no synopsis, no explanation, nothing else to explain who these people are. The story Constance planned to write is simply a mystery. Kitty sets out not only to track down the people on Constance's list, but to find out what connects them. And, in the process of hearing ordinary people's stories, she starts to understand her own...
One Hundred Names Review on K-Books
"To seek truth is not necessarily to go on a mission all guns blazing in order to reveal a lie, neither is it to be particularly ground-breaking - it is simply to get to the heart of what is real."
There are no words to explain just how excited I was to receive an ARC of Cecelia Ahern's newest novel, One Hundred Names. Cecelia is without a doubt one of my favourite authors of all time and Cecelia is the reason I am so obsessed with books. I have been a massive fan of Cecelia for years and her first novel, PS I Love You, was the first novel I ever read and loved and was the book that made me fall in love with reading. I was so very excited to start One Hundred Names and as soon as it came through the door I was starting. One Hundred Names is possibly my favourite Cecelia Ahern book as it is just an inspiring beautiful tale and I loved every single moment of it.
Journalist Kitty made a vital mistake. She didn't check all the facts for a story and now she is public enemy number one. With Kitty's life in tatters all she wants is to hide in her apartment. But when her good friend Constance passes away Kitty is left with the job of writing the story Constance always wanted to write but never got the chance. Left with only an envelope filled with a list of 100 names and nothing else Kitty must embark on a journey to figure out who these people are, what links them? But when learning their stories Kitty just might start to learn her own.
One think I adore about Cecelia's novels is that every single one of them in uplifting and inspiring. Every single one has such an important message and One Hundred Names is no different. I found One Hundred Names so inspiring, even more so than her previous novels. Everybody makes mistakes and you really can't let those mistakes rule your life. You can't sit dwelling over it forever. Yes mistakes are made every day... you know why? Because we are only human. And all we can do is learn from those mistakes and move on. This is the very important message in One Hundred Names and it's such a beautiful uplifting tale than every single person can relate to.
Kitty is a great character. I had mixed feelings about her at start. I found her kind of selfish and I didn't particularly like her. She had done this awful thing to somebody and all she could think about was how it impacted her. How it had ruined her life, how she had to deal with the repercussions. Well yes... we made mistakes we have to deal with the consequences and Kitty's mistake was a pretty serious, pretty big mistake to make. But the more I read the more I could feel her growing as a character. She started realising that life is full of mistakes but in order to learn and grow as a person we have to make mistakes in order to learn from them and become a better person. By the end of the book I felt like Kitty was a completely different person. She was kinder and thought about things impacted other people and I loved being on Kitty's journey and seeing the transformation that she goes through.
Although One Hundred Names is Kitty's journey it is not in any way only Kitty's story. It's many stories wrapped into one and how other people's stories can impact and change yours. I loved seeing all these other characters and how their lives intertwined and changed Kitty for the better. I genuinely loved every moment of this book which to me was no surprise considering Cecelia wrote it. I have not read one book by Cecelia that I haven't loved every moment of it. Her writing is amazing that hooks you right from page one and leaves you breathless by the end of the book.
Cecelia Ahern's books have no genre... they are in a genre of their own as nothing quite compares to her books. Every single one of them will always be some of my favourite books of all time and they are the books that I will re-read over and over again. Cecelia's books are beautiful and uplifting with a touch of magic added to them. One Hundred Names is a phenomenal book that everyone should read. Such a beautiful, uplifting inspirational journey, this book is not to be missed. A must-read for everyone. Cecelia is such an inspiration and will forever be one of my favourite authors of all time. One Hundred Names left me breathless and I cannot wait till her next novel.
"That is what we should be writing about. The unsung heroes, the people who don't believe they are heroes at all because they are just doing what they believe they have to do in their lives."