Dear Lucy Silchester, You have an appointment for Monday 27th July 2011. Yours sincerely Life.
Lucy Silchester has received an appointment card. Actually, she's been invited along a few times to this appointment, but she keeps brushing the gold embossed envelope under the shag pile carpet. She's taken her eye off the ball and has busied herself with work (a job she doesn't love), helping out friends, fixing her car, feeding her cat, seeing her family and devoting her time to their life dramas. But Lucy is about to find out that this is one appointment that she can't miss. And she can't escape it either. Her Life is about to catch up with her in the most surreal of ways.
The Time of my Life Review on K-Books
First of all I want to say a huge thank you to Harper Collins UK for sending me a review copy of this book. I was so over-excited when I received this for review, Cecelia Ahern is my all time favourite author and her first debut book PS, I Love You was the first novel I ever read and loved and it was the book that made me fall in love with reading. Since then I have read every book she has ever written and loved all of them. This one is one of my top-favourites of them all, right along with PS, I Love You. I absolutely adore this book and I will read it again and again.
Lucy has become out of touch with her life, she hates her job, she hates meeting up with her family and friends and she would much rather stay home in her box-room apartment alone with her cat. Ever since the love of her life left her to go travelling and make his own show it's like Lucy's life is on hold. Then she actually meets her life. He is there to help her make the right decisions, stop lying to her friends and family and find happiness in the truth, after all the truth will set you free.
I absolutely loved this book. I found it a little strange at first with the whole meeting someone who is your life. How can your life be a person? But then each of Cecelia's novels have a touch of magic in them but just a little so it is still a realistic book.
If anything this book is inspiration to anyone who has made a wrong decision and doesn't know how to put it right, for anyone who has been left by someone they love and don't know how to go on and for people who are at a standstill in their life and don't know how to get out of their rut. Cecelia shows that you CAN still go on, nothing is impossible and you just have to tell the truth to those around you who love you and they can help.
There really isn't a bad word I can say about this book. It's definitely an inspirational story and shows no matter what is wrong in your life and no matter what struggles you face you can get through it. I loved the character, Cecelia has a great gift of writing the most amazing characters and Lucy is one of those. She's the character you can empathise with, you can see what she is going through you can feel everything she feels whether it is love, fear, sadness or happiness.
I am so glad I got this for review and it has made me realise again how much I love Cecelia's books, her writing is exceptional and just draws you in no matter how strange the story may seem. She makes you fall in love with her characters and the storyline. All of her book are ones I will read again and again. Another amazing book by an exceptional author and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.