A virus that had once been contained has returned, and soon no place will be left untouched by its destruction. But when Cheyenne wakes up in Elysian Fields--a subdivision cut off from the world and its monster-creating virus--she is thrilled to have a chance at survival.
At first, Elysian Fields,with its beautiful houses and manicured lawns, is perfect. Teo Richardson, the older man who stole Cheyenne's heart, built it so they could be together. But when Teo tells Cheyenne there are tests that she and seven other couples must pass to be worthy of salvation, Cheyenne begins to question the perfection of his world.
The people they were before are gone. Cheyenne is now "Persephone," and each couple has been re-named to reflect the most tragic romances ever told. Everyone is fighting to pass the test, to remain in Elysian Fields. Teo dresses them up, tells them when to move and how to act, and in order to pass the test, they must play along.
If they play it right, then they'll be safe.
But if they play it wrong, they'll die.
The Dollhouse Asylum was one of my most anticipated reads of the year. I genuinelly couldn't wait to get my hands on it. Right from the moment I saw that creepy-ass cover I was dying to read it. The Dollhouse Asylum was so much more than I could have ever imagines. It was so much more creepy and it is possibly the most unique book I have ever read.
When Cheyenne wakes up in a strange place she doesn't know what has happened. Told that a virus has wiped out the world and she is in a safety asylum Cheyenne is in shock. The love of her life Teo has taken her and seven other couples into his safety world but all is not right. Renamed to reflect seven of the most famous couples from tragedies they must learn to act as their namesakes would or their life could be in danger. As Teo becomes more and more eccentric and dangerous Cheyenne, now Persephone, must decide whether to follow the man she always believed she loved or helping her friends to escape from his madness. Will everyone survive or are the destined to end up like the original tragic couples?
Mary Gray... I bow down to you. The Dollhouse Asylum was such an addictive, mysterious and creep-tastic book. I really enjoyed it. Mary's writing style was just fantastic. It drew me in right from the start. I was hooked and intrigued by her incredibly unique and mysterious story line. I just had to know what was going to happen and keep reading. I was just completely taken with the storyline and the characters.
I adored that Mary adopted from tragic stories within the book. As soon as I saw the list of names I couldn't read on as I just had to stop and try and figure out which tragedies they were. So many of the stories within this story are some of my favourites and so I really loved that aspect of the story. The Dollhouse Asylum is so creeptastic and incredible. Mary Gray is seriously fantastic to have come up with that concept.
Teo... okay I freaking hate him. He is such a psychopath. Right from the start I hated him and was coming up with some ways that I would like him to die... preferably by me jumping inside the book and doing it myself. I wanted to strap him in an electric chair... or behead him. He was awful and I just kept hating and hating him more and more the further I got through the book.
Cheyenne... oh Cheyenne. This is the only problem that I had with this book. Cheyenne really annoyed me. Right from the moment she was still loving Teo even though he was crazy evil and it made me want to reach into the book and knock some sense into her. She got better as we got through the book but she was still quite dependent other people and I just wanted her to get up and kick some ass by herself but it never came.
The Dollhouse Asylum is a great, creepy book and is the perfect book for halloween... I know too late telling you right since it's now November. I really enjoyed the book and think it was possibly the most unique story I have ever read. I loved how different it was from anything else I have ever read. The Dollhouse Asylum is definitely worth buying. It was a great read. I really enjoyed it.
"Just because you love someone doesn't mean you should."
It's a beautiful day for a war.
As the mortal world slowly slips into chaos of the godly kind, Alexandria Andros must overcome a stunning defeat that has left her shaken and in doubt of their ability to end this war once and for all.
And with all the obstacles between Alex and her happily-ever-after with the swoonworthy Aiden St. Delphi, they must now trust a deadly foe as they travel deep into the Underworld to release one of the most dangerous gods of all time.
In the stunning, action-packed climax to the bestselling Covenant series, Alex must face a terrible choice: the destruction of everything and everyone she holds dear… or the end of herself.
"And because I love you, I am willing to die to save you from that. Don't you dare take that decision away from me."
Oh My Holy Gods! There are seriously no words to explain just how incredible this book is.
Now before I go any further let me just give you this...
Have my JLA Feels box... because dude you are sooooo gonna need them!
Sentinel was without a doubt the most heartbreaking yet perfectly beautiful book I have ever read. No really. There are seriously no words. It was amazing. Heartwrenching. Perfect. There are so many emotions I went through while reading this book that that feels box was so needed!
I have been such a huge fan of Jen's Covenant series since the beginning when Half-Blood was released in 2011. I fell head over heels in love with the storyline and the characters and it has continued to be my favourite series of all time and I am so utterly heartbroken that it has ended. But like they say all good things must come to an end and this ended with a BANG!
Alex and Aiden have been through it all. But the time has come for it to end. Going to war with the gods is not easy... and you can guarantee that not everyone is going to make it through. But Alex must make the ultimate sacrifice. Can she really get through this not only with her life but with her love by her side?
Jennifer L Armentrout has once again proven that she is a literary goddess and genius. There is nothing she can write that will turn out bad and Sentinel just proves that. Jen's incredible and addictive writing style pulls you in right from the first page and won't let you go. She draws you in and keeps you guessing right through and when you finally think you know what is going to happen she will throw in the biggest plot twist that will break your heart and have you going "woah did that really just happen?" Throughout Sentinel Jen shocked me to the core and I have come out the otherside of this incredibly heartwrenchingly emotional book in complete awe of her. It's the truth people, Jen is the Queen of everything literary and she is going nowhere but up!
Alex has always been my favourite YA heroine because... well she is just epically awesome. I adore her and I just kept on loving her more and more throughout the book. Sentinel shows a very different side to Alex, after what happened to her at the end of Apollyon. What happened to her in the past has a definite consequence to her actions in this one but it just made me appreciate and love her even more. She is one strong chica out Alex. I just adore her.
Oh Aiden, my beautiful, beautiful boy. I adore you and love you and you are just the most incredible, loving, perfect guy ever. Aiden is utter perfection and he just made me fall even more in love with him throughout this final installment of the Covenant series.
Seth... oh, Seth. Now if you know me at all you will know that I have always from the very first book, hated and despised Seth. Well... brace yourself... I actually liked Seth by the end. I don't love him by any means but he really proved himself in this one and I ended up liking him in the end.
Sentinel is without a doubt the most heartbreaking yet uplifting book I think I have ever read. I couldn't believe what was happening and could barely read as I was crying so much. It's definitely a bittersweet conclusion to the series but at the same time it's completely perfect for this series. Jen proves herself as such a talented author and I just loved every moment. Sentinel was completely addictive and I ended up reading it in one sitting.
The Covenant Series is well and truly my favourite series of all time and is one that I will re-read again and again. I loved every single, heartbreaking yet perfect moment. There couldn't have been a more perfect ending to the series. I am still not ready to let go of these characters and I would love to see a spin-off series with some of the secondary characters. If it happens I will be overjoyed, if it doesn't that's ok too because the series was the best I have ever read.
Sentinel, and the whole Covenant series, was utter perfection. It was addictive, heartwrenching, emotional and uplifting. I can't even put into words all the feelings that I went through. I can't wait to start on one of Jen's new upcoming novels and series. Covenant will leave a big hole in my heart and my life and I don't think anything else can quite fill the hole. Alex, Aiden, Seth and the rest will forever hold a special place in my heart and I will continue to relive this utterly perfect series over and over again forever.
"You have my heart, and you have my strength. Make no mistake, I am willing to die for you, but you have to trust that I don't want to leave my side."
Angelle Prejean is in a pickle. Her family is expecting her to come home with a fiancé—a fiancé who doesn’t exist. Well, he exists, but he definitely has no idea Angelle told her mama they were engaged. Tattooed, muscled, and hotter than sin, Cane can reduce Angelle to a hot mess with one look—and leave her heart a mess if she falls for him. But when she ends up winning Cane at a charity bachelor auction, she knows just how to solve her fiancé problem.
Cane Robicheaux is no one’s prince. He doesn’t do relationships and he doesn’t fall in love. When sweet, sultry-voiced Angelle propositions him, he hopes their little game can finally get her out of his head. He doesn’t expect her to break through all his barriers. But even as Angelle burrows deeper into his heart, he knows once their seven days are up, so is their ruse.
Having been a fan of Rachel Harris since the moment I read her debut YA novel, My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, I was so excited about her Adult Romance series. After devouring Taste the Heat and hearing that Rachel was writing Cane's story I could not wait to read it. Imagine my utter excitement when she said I could be one of her beta readers for it... *insert OH. MY. GOD. Squeal here* Seven Day Fiance is everything I expected from a Rachel Harris novel and more. It completely blew me away.
Rachel Harris has once again proven herself as a fantastic author and I am just completely in love with her writing style and story telling. Her romance books and fantastic and are so easy to read that once you start you just get completely lost in the story and cannot put the book down because it's so amazing and addictive.
Now in Taste the Heat I fell head over heels in love with Jason... After Seven day Fiance? Jason who? It's all about Cane people. He is just so .... *droool* He's drop dead gorgeous, can cook... and has tattoos.... *swoon* I fell head over heels in love with him. He is hte typical bad boy that every girl will fall head over heels in love with. The more of this book I read the more I loved Cane and by the end... yeah I had it bad for him. He is officially one of my favourite book boys ever!
Rachel Harris is officially my hero! I'm not saying why because that would totally spoil a very important part of the book but after reading one particular chapter I just had to email Rachel to say how she was my hero because of one particular character development. Angelle is officially one of my favourite characters ever and I loved how Rachel created her. She is hte perfect book and it is about time we had a character like Angelle gracing the pages of an adult romance novel. If you've read the book you'll know exactly what I am talking about... if you haven't well go read it now!
Seven Day Fiance is without a doubt one of the best romance novels I have ever read. Rachel has definitely found her stride in writing contemporary. I loved every moment of it and it has everything that any romance fan will want. A super awesome and realistic heroine that we can all relate to, a super hot bad boy who is totally perfect deep down. Lots of red-hot chemistry and heart-fluttering romance. It's a must-read for everyone. I love it and couldn't put it down.
Galen is the prince of the Syrena, sent to land to find a girl he's heard can communicate with fish. Emma is on vacation at the beach. When she runs into Galen—literally, ouch!—both teens sense a connection. But it will take several encounters, including a deadly one with a shark, for Galen to be convinced of Emma's gifts. Now, if he can only convince Emma that she holds the key to his kingdom...
Told from both Emma and Galen's points of view, here is a fish-out-of-water story that sparkles with intrigue, humor, and waves of romance.
"I'm saying you're what I want, Emma. I'm saying I'm in love with you."
You know one of those books that when it first releases you have to buy it like right now coz you've been waiting for it for like forever... but then life happens, you get distracted by other books and over a year later it's still sitting unread on your shelf? Yeah that is what Of Poseidon is for me. I was so excited about it when it first released and then it sat there for so long I guess I kind of overlooked it for a long time. Well the time finally came when I was like yeah I'll read Of Poseidon now... DUDE what the heck was I waiting so long for? This book is freaking awesome. It's fair to say I am now kicking myself for not cracking this book open as soon as it was in my hands.
Emma is on vacation with her best friend when she runs into the super-hot Galen... no literally like smack, bang falls into, face squished on his chest, runs into. Emma is mortified and can't get away from him fast enough. But Emma is about to see Galen a whole lot more. After the tragedy of losing her best friend Emma is devastated. But when Galen turns up as a new student at her school things are about to change. Galen isn't human. He's a Syrena and Emma is showing the gift of his people and he is certain that she is the key to saving his kingdom. Can Galen convince Emma of her gift... and can he sacrifice the first girl to stir up feelings in him to save the future of his people?
Seriously I cannot believe how long I waited to read this. I mean right from the start I was completely addicted to this story. I have to admit that I haven't read a whole lot of mermaid/seapeople books and I definitely wouldn't include them in a "favourites" list but Of Poseidon might just be the exception to that. Anna's fantastic storytelling skills completely hooked me from the start and I just couldn't put it down. I absolutely loved it.
Emma... Man I just loved her. She's a complete clutz always tripping over stuff and falling into people and she just had my giggling right through the book at her clumsiness. She is so awesome and a great character to associate with while reading. She's just a normal girl and I loved that. So many heroines are sometimes depicted as super-model gorgeous and their personality is perfect so I loved that Emma wasn't like that.
Galen... I was completely head-over-heels in love with Galen right from the start I absolutely adored him. He is such a sweeties and I loved how he wasn't a complete asshole at the start. So many YA male protagonists are just horrid and assholes at the start and then are nicer later. I loved that Galen was such a sweetie from the start... but he teased Emma a lot about her clumsiness and everything and I loved that. It made me laugh. And having two main characters that make you laugh is an instant win... have two main character AND the two supporting characters that make you laugh = BEST BOOK EVER!
Of Poseidon was such an awesome twist on the Poseidon/Triton tale and I loved seeing this new interpretation where they weren't gods but just kings of the sea. The incredible character, awesome storytelling and the twist on the tale had me speeding through this book and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.
One thing I adored about this book is that it's told in split point of view. I loved that we got chapters from Emma's POV but that we also got chapters from Galen's POV. One thing I wasn't a huge fan of was the alternation between first and third person. When we got the story from Emma's point of view it was told in first person whereas when we got Galen's point of view it's told in third point of view. I wasn't really a fan of this and couldn't fathom out why it was like this. The more I read the more I got used to it. Honestly I'd have rather it have all been told in first person or all told in third person. I found the switch between the two a little strange and I was constantly wondering why it had been done.
Of Poseidon is such a fantastic book. I can't praise it enough. It's such a fantastic story and I cannot wait to get my hands on Of Triton. I seriously need to go order it like right now. I am so excited to see what happens next. I have to admit that I wasn't all that surprised by the twist I kind of saw it coming and had already figured it out but I still had that "I need the next book nooooooow" feeling. I'm so excited to see what happens with Emma and Galen. This is definitely a must-read series. I would recommend to anyone.
"I love you. More than you know. No matter what happens."
On the heels of a family tragedy, the last thing Katie Greene wants to do is move halfway across the world. Stuck with her aunt in Shizuoka, Japan, Katie feels lost. Alone. She doesn’t know the language, she can barely hold a pair of chopsticks, and she can’t seem to get the hang of taking her shoes off whenever she enters a building.
Then there’s gorgeous but aloof Tomohiro, star of the school’s kendo team. How did he really get the scar on his arm? Katie isn’t prepared for the answer. But when she sees the things he draws start moving, there’s no denying the truth: Tomo has a connection to the ancient gods of Japan, and being near Katie is causing his abilities to spiral out of control. If the wrong people notice, they'll both be targets.
Katie never wanted to move to Japan—now she may not make it out of the country alive.
"But I'd seen the real him, that he was deeper and different and changed. Now I couldn't imagine a world without him in it. My heart was glass - easy to see through, simple to break."
What a fantastic debut. I can't believe how much I genuinely loved this book. I've been meaning to read Ink for such a long time and after reading the prequel ebook late last month I couldn't wait to get started on reading it. I was not disappointed whatsoever. I think this is without a doubt one of the more unique and different books I have ever read. In the YA Paranormal genre there are so many books that are similar floating around there it's hard to find a book that is something completely new. Ink was definitely a breath of fresh air for the genre. I was completely taken with this book and I am a Amanda Sun fan for sure after this incredible debut.
Katie's life has been turned upside down. After the tragic and sudden death of her mother she is suddenly shipped to Japan to live with her Aunt. Faced with a country where she doesn't fully understand the language and in a completely new culture that she has to adapt to. As if that isn't stressful enough Katie is sure that whenever the school's bad boy Tomohiro is around strange things are happening. His drawing are moving... but that's not possible. Katie is determined to find out Tomohiro's secret but is she barking on a dangerous journey that she may not make it out of?
Amanda Sun really surprised me with her incredible writing style. For debut novels I really tend to find that the writing style isn't perfect but it doesn't matter because come on... it's a debut. That didn't occur in Ink. Amanda's writing style was just so addicting right from the start. I just had to keep on reading to find out what was going to happen. My attention was completely drawn in right from the start and it's all down to Amanda's superb writing style.
Katie... ah what a great female protagonist. I really loved her from having read the prequel, Shadow, but my love for her just grew and grew the more than I read. I love how strong she was and even though there were moments where she thought she was going crazy she was still determined to find the truth regardless of the circumstances. I thought she was just awesome and strong and that's my favourite thing in heroines in YA literature.
Tomohiro is one twisted guy. Not in a bad way in a "I have evil things chasing me so can't be loved by anyone" way. He has so much going on and pushed everyone away. I just wanted to reach into the book and give him a big hug. I have to admit I kind of hated him at the start of the book. I just thought he was an absolute asshole and he just made me really angry. Just once I would like to have a YA hero who isn't an absolute asshole at the beginning! But the more I read the more I started to love him and he definitely won me over in the end.
Ink is without a doubt one of the most unique storylines I have ever read. I thought it was fantastic and something completely new that I haven't come across before. The thing that completely kept me reading was this new storyline. It made it so easy to keep reading and finish the majority of the book in one sitting. I absolutely adored that Ink was set in Japan. I really felt like it was so eye-opening to that country and culture. I loved that it made you feel like you were experiencing this new country and culture for yourself as well. It's so culturally eye-opening and I loved that.
The only tiny issue I had with Ink is that near the end when all the exciting stuff starts happening there is an inconsistency in the story. I felt like it was a big thing to be missed and it really bugged me and knocked my rating down. As much as that still bugged me I loved this book. I thought it was superb and I genuinelly cannot wait to get my hands on book 2 in the series. Roll on March 2014.
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Chemical Garden trilogy: On the floating city of Internment, you can be anything you dream. Unless you approach the edge.
Morgan Stockhour knows getting too close to the edge of Internment, the floating city in the clouds where she lives, can lead to madness. Even though her older brother, Lex, was a Jumper, Morgan vows never to end up like him. If she ever wonders about the ground, and why it is forbidden, she takes solace in her best friend, Pen, and in Basil, the boy she’s engaged to marry.
Then a murder, the first in a generation, rocks the city. With whispers swirling and fear on the wind, Morgan can no longer stop herself from investigating, especially once she meets Judas. Betrothed to the victim, he is the boy being blamed for the murder, but Morgan is convinced of his innocence. Secrets lay at the heart of Internment, but nothing can prepare Morgan for what she will find – or whom she will lose.
"It doesn't matter if it's in the sky or on the ground. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
Perfect Ruin was one of my most anticipated reads of this year. I fell in love with Lauren DeStefano when Wither first released. I fell in love with her incredible writing style and her Chemical Garden Series remains to be one of my favourites of all time. To hear about her brand new series I was so beyond excited. A huge thank you goes to my good friend Bekah from Reflections of a Bookworm for lending me her ARC of Perfect Ruin.
Morgan lives in Internment. A city floating in the sky. Most people on Internment have everything they want and wouldn't dream of anything else. But Morgan dreams of the ground. All she wants is to see the ground and experience it for herself. Internment is too small for Morgan. But she must keep her dreams to herself as going to the edge and going to the ground is forbidden. Internment is small, but safe. Until a murder rocks the city. Suddenly Internment isn't too safe and there are secrets that could destroy the whole of internment. Morgan is determined to find out the truth... but can she survive it?
Perfect Ruin is a perfect example of the fantastic talent that Lauren DeStefano has. If you haven't read anything by her before now I really urge you to pick up her books, whether it be this one or Wither. Her writing style is one of the most polished and perfected in the business. It's utterly fantastic and grabs your attention from the get go. Perfect Ruin pulls you in with intrigue right from the start and once I hit the 70 page mark the book became unputdownable. Utterly fantastic.
Perfect Ruin is one of the most unique novels I have come across. I couldn't really say a definite genre that Perfect Ruin is. It's a mix of lots of things. It's definitely fantasy but then it has elements of sci-fi and a hint of dystopia/utopia. All of these genre crosses are what makes this book utterly fantastic. You don't know what genre it definitely is but to be honest it's so freaking awesome you don't really care.
I admit that at the beginning of the book I was intrigued but a little bit bored and it wasn't until around chapter 7 when it kind of hit me and I was like OH this is interesting and it became very fast paced and unputdownable. The storyline is utterly fantastic and Lauren's execution of it is just heartstoppingly phenomenal. I am so beyond excited for the second book in this series as I know it's going to be incredible.
Perfect Ruin was a fantastic journey of intrigue, mystery and deadly secrets. I would recommend this book to everyone. I loved it and I can't wait to get my hands on the second installment in the series. I think it's going to be even better than this one. If there's one 2013 release that you have got to buy and read straight away it's Perfect Ruin. It is a fantastic start to what it looking to be a phenomenal series. A must-read.
"Internment is only a piece of what's out there. I know all it's sections by heart, and I've memorized the times at which the train will speed by my bedroom window. It isn't enough. I want to know more."
Jenna Oliver doesn’t have time to get involved with one boy, let alone two.
All Jenna wants is to escape her evaporating small town and her alcoholic mother. She's determined she'll go to college and find a life that is wholly hers—one that isn't tainted by her family's past. But when the McAlister twins move to town and Jenna gets involved with both of them, she learns the life she planned may not be the one she gets.
Ian McAlister doesn't want to start over; he wants to remember.
Ian can’t recall a single thing from the last three months—and he seems to be losing more memories every day. His family knows the truth, but no one will tell him what really happened before he lost his memory. When he meets Jenna, Ian believes that he can be normal again because she makes not remembering something he can handle.
The secret Ian can’t remember is the one Luke McAlister can’t forget.
Luke has always lived in the shadow of his twin brother until Jenna stumbles into his life. She sees past who he’s supposed to be, and her kiss brings back the spark that life stole. Even though Luke feels like his brother deserves her more, Luke can’t resist Jenna—which is the trigger that makes Ian's memory return.
Jenna, Ian, & Luke are about to learn there are only so many secrets you can keep before the truth comes to reclaim you
Right from the moment I heard about this book I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. I have been on a huge contemporary kick lately and I just thought this one sounded incredible. All my expectations for an awesome novel were met and completely surpassed. I loved every single second of this book and I couldn't put it down.
All Jenna wants is to graduate and get out of this deadend town where nothing happens other than having to look after her alcoholic mother. But then Luke and Ian McAlister come to town. Jenna likes being with Ian. It doesn't matter that he can't remember his past. He is sweet and gently. But then she meets Luke. Luke is dangerous and the epitome of bad boy and Jenna can't resist. Torn between the two of them they all get lost on a journey of lies and secrets but it's only so long before the truth comes out.
Sarah Guillory is an incredible, uprising author. Her writing style is incredible and I found it hard to believe that this was actually her debut novel. Her writing style reads as if it's a craft that has been perfected over years and years. That writing style being so addictive and perfect and grabbing just makes me so incredibly excited to follow her writing throughout the next few years and see just how much further she goes. She is definitely an author to look out for.
Reclaimed is such a unique and incredible storyline that had be guessing from start to finish. I genuinelly couldn't figure out what had happened in the characters past and what was going to happen. One thing I adore about this book is that it has an air of mystery to it. You don't know what happened in the past to make Luke and Ian's relationship what it is now and what caused Ian's memory loss. I couldn't stop reading as I just needed to know what had happened and ended up reading this book super fast. It was addictive.
The plot twist in this book is one you will never see coming. I am always trying to guess what's going to happen in books and holy crap I did not see that coming at all. At one point I thought I was seeing things and had read it incorrectly as it was so unexpected I was like "WHAT? Hold crap NO WAY! What the heck just happened?" I was so shocked and amazed and gobsmacked and every other surprised feeling you can think of that was me.
Reclaimed was one of the best debuts I have ever read. I was completely amazed. It was everything I was hoping that it would be and even more. I loved every single second of it and I cannot wait to see what Sarah Guillory will come up with next. Just by reading this one book she wrote she is now on my automatic buy list where I will read anything she writes. Reclaimed was phenomenal and is without a doubt a must-read. Watch this space guys because this book is gonna be huge!
"That's what life is - a whole bunch of good and bad strung together, and without the bad, the good wouldn't be as good."
Meet two teens whose worlds are about to change forever in this paranormal Young Adult novella, a prequel to Ink by debut author Amanda Sun…
Katie Greene’s worst nightmare comes true when her mother dies, and she’s devastated to learn that she will have to leave the only home she’s ever known. Desperate to find where she belongs, she must decide if she has what it takes to start a new life across the ocean.
For Yuu Tomohiro, every day is a nightmare. He struggles to control his strange ability, and keeps everyone at a distance so they won’t get hurt—even his girlfriend, Myu. At night, a shadow haunts his dreams, and a mysterious woman torments him with omens of death and destruction. But these haunting premonitions are only the beginning…
I've had Ink sat on my shelf for what feels like forever. I heard about it just before it released and saw quite a lot of good reviews so instantly bought it when it was released. I have friends that state that they loved Ink and so I finally wanted to pick it up. Just before starting it I discovered that there was this short prequel novella. Because I love to know the back story of novels I decided to go ahead and read this prequel before starting the first book.
Katie Greene's world has been turned upside down. Her Mom is dead and she is being uprooted from USA to Japan. She doesn't speak Japanese and all she wants is to go back to America. Tomohiro won't let anybody close to him. Having the dreams and premonitions of a shadow that he knows is true and is haunting him, anybody who gets close to him is in danger... but the danger is about to get worse...
I really enjoyed this short prequel. I admit I didn't love it but that it mainly because by the time I was right into the story it was finished. It did it's job and it did what prequels are meant to do. It grabbed my attention from that start and drew me in with it's intrigue and had me dying to find out more about this world and this story. I can't wait to start Ink and find out where this storyline goes.
I can't really comment on whether I like the characters or not yet as this was so short I didn't really get a real feel for them. Shadow introduced me to the world and the story and had me interested and dying to know what happens. That makes it a very successful prequel to me. One thing I can say I did love was the introduction to Japan. I am dying to not only see where this storyline goes but also finding out about a new country and culture. Books are a great escape from our boring normal, day-to-day life and I, as English, find books set in America interesting as I have never been there and experiences that but to find books set in other countries makes me so excited as it's like I get to travel... without having to pay the expenses of a holiday.
Shadow completely grabbed my attention and I am looking forward to reading on and learning more about the new Japanese culture and the storyline. I have high hopes for Ink after this as Shadow was a very strong prequel. One of the best I have read.
It’s Wait for You as you’ve never seen it. Trust in Me lets you in on Cam’s side of the #1 New York Times Bestselling story.
Cameron Hamilton is used to getting what he wants, especially when it comes to women. But when Avery Morgansten comes crashing into his life – literally – he finally meets the one person who can resist his soulful baby blues. But Cam’s not ready to give up. He can’t get the feisty and intriguing girl out of his head.
Avery has secrets, secrets that keep her from admitting the feelings Cam knows she has for him. Will persistence (and some delicious homemade cookies) help him break down her barriers and gain her trust? Or will he be shut out of Avery's life, losing his first real shot at the kind of love that lasts forever?
"Holy shit, Strawberry Shortcake just ran me over."
Oh Cam, Cam, Cam *insert dreamy sigh here*
I completely and utterly fell in love with Wait For You way back in February. Jennifer L Armentrout is without a doubt my favourite author of all time and I remember back when I was reading Wait For You sending Jen emails and messages going so I want this in Cam's point of view and when she asked which bits I replied ALL OF IT! Thankfully a lot of fans agreed with me and we finally have the awesomesauce that is this book.
Cam... oh my Cam. Just when I thought I couldn't love him any more I read Trust in Me and just fell even more in love with this boy. He is just utter perfection. I will admit that when starting this I was a little scared to read it. As much as I love getting the books from the guys point of view I was so in love with the story from Avery's point of view I was afraid that seeing it from Cam would take away that bit of magic that Wait For You had. I was also scared of missing parts of the story because they weren't as essential to Cam's story and characterisation as Avery's. I was completely and utterly wrong.
Trust in Me was JLA work at it's best. It was utter perfection and while this may be shown as a novella (Wait For you #1.5) rest assured that there is lots and lots of Cam. This is more like a full length novel. I adored every moment of it and couldn't put it down. I ended up devouring it in one sitting. I just couldn't get enough of my precious Cam and seeing the story from his point of view just made it all the more magical. You saw the softer, more emotional side of Cam and it just made you love him even more.
Other than the books Jen has wrote in split point of view (Frigid/Origin) and the additional scenes on her website, this is the first time we see her writing from the male point of view. It is the first time that for the whole book we are in the heros head instead of the heroine. I tend to find that sometimes I don't associate with those 'hero' books as much as ones told from the female protagonist but this wasn't the case whatsoever. I already loved Cam from Wait For You and I easily fell into his point of view and rode out this eventful journey with him.
Trust in Me just proves how incredibly talented an author Jennifer is. She is proving to be one of the best, and more diverse authors out there right now. You find certain authors who write in the same genres all the time whereas Jennifer just continues to prove that she can write anything. Paranormal, contemporary, sci-fi, urban fantasy... everythng she writes is fantastic and I know whatever genre she decides to take a shot at next it will be phenomenal and she will conquer it all. Trust in Me showed just how taleted she is and how much she has grown as an author since her earlier books (Half-Blood/Unchained). I continue to be completely in awe of her incredible talent and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.
Trust in Me is a must read for all Jennifer L Armentrout and contemporary romance fans. It was phenomenal.
"The truth was, if I was perfect, it was only because of her. It would only ever be because of her."
Renée Winters has changed. When she looks in the mirror, a beautiful girl with an older, sadder face stares back. Her condition has doctors mystified, but Renée can never reveal the truth: she died last May, and was brought back to life by the kiss of her Undead soul mate, Dante Berlin.
Now, her separation from Dante becomes almost unbearable. His second life is close to an end, and each passing day means one less that she will spend with the boy who shares her soul.
Just when Renée has almost given up hope, she learns of the Nine Sisters—brilliant scholars who, according to legend, found a way to cheat death. She can’t shake the feeling that they are somehow connected to her dreams, strange visions that hint at a discovery so powerful, and so dangerous, that some will stop at nothing to protect it.
Renée thought she knew the truth about life and death. But there is a secret woven through history that holds the only hope for Dante and Renée. Unless they find answers soon, their time together is doomed to be cut short.
So, I finished this book like literally five minutes ago so you will have to excuse me if this review is a little all over the place but I can barely think straight right now let alone write down my feelings towards this book.
If I had to describe this book in a one word it would be WOW! This book completely blew me away.
Renee is desperate to find a way for her and her soul-mate Dante to be together, but as she starts to unravel the mystery that may save them both she puts her life in danger. Will she be able to survive long enough to find out a way for them to be together?
I really loved the first book in this series Dead Beautiful. I think it was a fantastic start to a series and I couldn't really fathom how Yvonne was going to beat the first book. But boy did she do it. I didn't think I would like this book more than the first one but I did. It is a million times better than the first book and I seriously could not put it down. I devoured this book in one day and I am left reeling needing the third instalment now.
The one thing I thought I wouldn't like about this book is that there isn't very much of Dante in this book as they got separated at the end of the first. I love Dante, he is such a fantastic character and I was really sad to find that there wasn't very much of him in this book. However, I see that it is all for the better. I love Renee, and I love what she goes through throughout this book. How she doubts her feelings and whether she is doing the right thing and I think this is just something that she needed to go through.
Noah, ::sigh::. Usually when a second male romantic interest comes into the second book in a series I get a little annoyed, however that didn't happen in this book. I loved Noah. He is so sweet and as much as I love Dante the more I read this book the more I started to love Noah and by the end couldn't really decide who I wanted Renee to be with. Well until Dante came back into it and then I completely switched back to Team Dante.
This book is one of the best zombie books I have ever read. I'm not actually sure if they are classed as zombie books but to me it is. It's a glamourous zombie, called the Undead. This is probably my favourite zombie series of all time and I love so many zombie books. It's just fantastic and Yvonne blows you away with her writing and sucks you into the story so much I was unaware of anything else going on around me. All I could focus on was the story.
One this Yvonne is an expert at is torturing her readers. I cannot believe how she ended this book. I was turning the page going Noooooo, it can't end there I need more. I am so excited for the next book in this series, which will also be the final one and I am very excited to see how it all ends.
This is just one of those books that you will be left thinking about days after finishing it. I loved every moment of it and I'm actually really sad that I read it so quickly. This series is a must-read for everyone.
At Gottfried Academy, just one kiss will take your breath away. After Renee discovers her parents dead in what appears to be a strange double murder, she is sent to Gottfried Academy, a remote and mysterious high school dedicated to philosophy, 'crude sciences', and Latin: the Language of the Dead. Here she meets Dante, a dark and elusive student who harbors a deadly secret, but to whom she feels inexplicably drawn. Despite himself, Dante cannot control his attraction to Renee either and their desires gradually deepen into a complex and dangerous romance. But Dante's not the only one with secrets...Gottfried Academy has a few of its own. When Renee begins to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a former student, she begins to realize just how deadly these secrets are...Dark romance meets haunting murder mystery in this captivating tale of love, death and destiny.
First of all I would like to say a big thank you to Usbourne Publishing for sending me a review copy of this book.
I really enjoyed this book. I wasn't sure what to think at first, the beginning is really sad and it's quite a strange storyline but once I got into it I ended up really starting to love the characters and the storyline.
Renee finds the bodies of her parents on her sixteenth birthday and doesn't believe that they died of natural causes despite the authorities confirming they had a heart attack. Left to the care of her grandfather Renee is enrolled into boarding school Gottfried Academy. However Gottfried is not a normal boarding school and Renee suddenly starts discovering secrets that have been buried for a long time. Then she meets Dante the beautiful mysterious boy who she seems drawn to. Neither one of them understand their attraction to each other and everything seems to come between them, but can they fight together to discover the truth and find a way to be together?
I really enjoyed this book, I think it's very different to other paranormal romance books and I loved that. The book is mainly about The Undead who I see as Zombies but much better.
I really love Renee's character, she is so strong and no matter what happens to her she doesn't let it get her down and she just carries out. I felt so much for her right from the beginning of the book when she discovered her parents dead and has to leave all of her friends to start a new life at Gottfried. I really admire how she just carries on with life, lots of bad things happen to her but not once does she decide to sit down and be depressed and let other people take care of everything, she does it herself and I love that.
I really loved Dante, I mean what's not to love. He's the handsome, mysterious bad boy of the book and who doesn't love a bad boy. I really loved the mystery of him and you went on the journey with Renee as she was figuring him out. He's a great character and one that every girl will fall head over heels for.
The main thing I love about this book is the Zombie-ish storyline. I love how it's all explained and it's explained through myths throughout history. This is a very unique storyline and I loved it. You definitely won't be reading it and thinking yeah, this is familiar as sometimes you do with YA paranormal books, it's a completely new and fresh storyline and I can't wait to read the second book in the series and see what happens.
An absolutely amazing start to a new series that I will definitely be seeing through till the end.
Zahra, Kali, and Syd would never have met if their parents' marriages hadn't fallen apart. But when the three girls collide in group counseling, they discover they have something else in common: they've each been triple-timed by the same nefarious charmer, Eric, aka Rico, aka Rick. Talk about eye-opening therapy.
Anna Whitt, the daughter of a guardian angel and a demon, promised herself she’d never do the work of her father—polluting souls. She’d been naive to make such a vow. She’d been naive about a lot of things.
Haunted by demon whisperers, Anna does whatever she can to survive, even if it means embracing her dark side and earning an unwanted reputation as her school’s party girl. Her life has never looked more bleak. And all the while there’s Kaidan Rowe, son of the Duke of Lust, plaguing her heart and mind.
When an unexpected lost message from the angels surfaces, Anna finds herself traveling the globe with Kopano, son of Wrath, in an attempt to gain support of fellow Nephilim and give them hope for the first time. It soon becomes clear that whatever freedoms Anna and the rest of the Neph are hoping to win will not be gained without a fight. Until then, Anna and Kaidan must put aside the issues between them, overcome the steamiest of temptations yet, and face the ultimate question: is loving someone worth risking their life?
"Anna... the night of the summit, when you were saved, it was the only time in my life I've thanked God for anything."
Oh. My. Holy. Hawtness!
There are no words to explain just how excited I was to get this book in my hands. I read Sweet Evil last year just after it had been released and literally fell head over heels in love with the book. Since then I have been dying... like literally I can't breathe dying... to get this book in my hands and find out what would happen to this book next. Naturally I had the fear that I always do when starting the sequel to one of my favourite books... what if it doesn't live up to the epicness of the first one? But there was no need for me to worry as Sweet Peril just knocked my socks off and blew me away!
Anna has always been the sweet, innocent girl always looking out for others and making sure they are okay. She swore she would never do the work of her demonic father like the other nephilim. But when she starts to be haunted by demon whisperers she must break her promise and start 'working'. She is still struggling from the loss of Kaidan, son of The Demon of Lust who is plaguing her mind. But when Anna discovers a lost prophecy that can change life as she knows it, not just for her but for everyone she must put aside her differences and call on the other Nephilim to help her with her quest. But will she be able to put aside their differences and feelings to work together?
There are seriously no words I could ever say that would do justice to this book. It is without a doubt the best sequel I have ever read in my life. I literally could not put the book down and even though my schedule was crazy busy and I didn't have much time to read I found that I literally just could not stop! I have officially become a Wendy Higgins fangirl. Her writing style is genuinely phenomenal. Even though it had been a year since I read Sweet Evil Wendy's writing just completely captured me and sucked me back into this world of Angels, Demons and Nephililm and I just couldn't wait to see what would happen.
Anna is so awesome in this installment. She is definitely not the sweet innocent girl that we met at the start of Sweet Evil. She has grown up so much since then and is a different person for the better. She is stronger and a lot more kick-ass. I just love Anna. I loved seeing the different side to her and seeing the mixture of the bad girl and the good girl. She is the perfect mix of both. She goes on a huge journey throughout this book and it's great to see that although she grows as a character, she still stays true to the girl we met and loved in book 1. She is just the perfect character that everyone can relate to and love.
Kaidan... Oh. My. Kaidan! I freaking loved bad-boy Kaidan in Sweet Evil and was ready to dive back into the story and find out how my boy was doing. I didn't think it was possible but I loved Kai even more in this book. We have seen the bad boy Kai... now be ready for romantic and swoon-worthy Kai. I seriously fell even more head-over-heels in love with him and he is rivalling all other book boys as my favourite right now! I just adore him!
Sweet Peril was such a fantastic installment of The Sweet Trilogy and it is fast becoming one of my favourite series of all time. The plot is fantastic, the world is incredible and the characters are just amazing. I love absolutely everything about this book! There is not one thing that I don't like about this book. I get the feeling that I get when reading a JLA book. They are just unputdownable and leave you literally dying and counting down the days until the next installment. Sweet Evil was a fab start to the series and I adored it but Sweet Peril just blows it out of the water. I never imagined that the sequel could be quite as good but I was so wrong. It is phenomenal! It completely stole my heart and took my breath away! This series is a must read. Not to be missed!
"They saw love as a weakness, but they were wrong. Love would keep us going. Love was our strength."
Embrace the Forbidden
What if there were teens whose lives literally depended on being bad influences?
This is the reality for sons and daughters of fallen angels.
Tenderhearted Southern girl Anna Whitt was born with the sixth sense to see and feel emotions of other people. She’s aware of a struggle within herself, an inexplicable pull toward danger, but Anna, the ultimate good girl, has always had the advantage of her angel side to balance the darkness within. It isn’t until she turns sixteen and meets the alluring Kaidan Rowe that she discovers her terrifying heritage and her willpower is put to the test. He’s the boy your daddy warned you about. If only someone had warned Anna.
Forced to face her destiny, will Anna embrace her halo or her horns?
"Those two need each other like a bullet needs a target."
Sweet Evil in a word is: Brilliant.
I don't know what I was expecting when I picked up this book but it totally surpassed all expectations. I was completely and utterly blown away with this book. I absolutely loved every single moment of it. I couldn't put it down.
Anna has always been different. Able to see the colours of people's feelings she has always kept to herself. It's always just been her and her best-friend Jay. But then she meets the mysterious and drop-dead-gorgeous Kaidan. A cocky musician who seems to know exactly what she can do and what she is. But how can he know what she is when she doesn't even know herself? Suddenly Anna is thrown into the world of fallen angels and Nephilim. She's always been a good girl but can she really stay that way when there is something dark inside her just waiting to come out?
I loved this book. I started it after being told again and again by Tara from Tater's Tall Tales how brilliant this book is. I finally decided to pick it up after being on my shelf for around a month. When I saw this book I instantly wanted to read it. Come on, look at that cover, really who wouldn't? It's stunning. Well the cover is nothing compared to that absolute awesomeness that is in those pages. I was hooked right from the start and could not put it down.
Kaidan, *sigh* where do I start with Kaidan? He's cocky and thinks way too much of himself but you can't help but love him. I instantly fell in love with Kaidan as soon as we met him. He's a drop dead gorgeous yet mysterious musician. Who wouldn't love him? He is so amazing and I probably looked like a complete and utter idiot when reading this book as I was reading with a big grin on my face and that was completely because of Kaidan. He is the typical bad boy and every girl will love him.
Anna is such a great lead heroine. I really loved her. I loved how naive she was at first since she has grown up in the dark to this world not knowing it existed and I loved seeing her journey as she discovered who she really was and went about finding more about herself and her heritage. I feel like she really grew a lot as a character throughout the book and by the end she is this strong heroine who is ready to take on the world and fight it if she has to and I loved that about her.
Anna and Kaidan's relationship has to be the best part of the book to me. I just loved their relationship and how it went from a hateful relationship to finding out more about each other and seeing the romance begin. Everybody knows that I am a complete and utter hopeless romantic and forbidden love? I am a sucker for it. All I wanted was for them to find a way to be together. To me Anna and Kaidan's relationship is one of those epic love stories you get in novels where they have to be together but they'll have to go to hell and back to get there. I have every faith that they will end up together in the end. They just have to.
This is such a fantastic book and any lover of Paranormal Romance will adore this one. I couldn't put it down. I swooned, laughed and cried throughout it. My heart totally and completely broke throughout the duration of the book and I ended up finishing the book in tears. You know it's a fantastic book and a fantastic author if they can make me feel so much emotion that I cry. Wendy Higgins is such a fantastic author and I will definitely be reading all her future books to come. I think this is one of the best debut novels I have ever read and I cannot wait to see what she comes up with next. I can't wait for the second book in this series.
Such a fantastic start to a series. The whole book is breath-taking and heart-stopping. If you want a book with heart-stopping action and breath-taking romance then this book is the one for you.
"For starters? I want to introduce myself to every freckle on your body."
Bad boy, meet bad girl.
Dante has a shiny new cuff wrapped around his ankle, and he doesn't like that mess one bit. His new accessory comes straight from Big Guy himself and marks the former demon as a liberator. Despite his gritty past and bad boy ways, Dante Walker has been granted a second chance.
When Dante is given his first mission as a liberator to save the soul of seventeen-year-old Aspen, he knows he’s got this. But Aspen reminds him of the rebellious life he used to live and is making it difficult to resist sinful temptations. Though Dante is committed to living clean for his girlfriend Charlie, this dude’s been a playboy for far too long…and old demons die hard.
With Charlie becoming the girl she was never able to be pre-makeover and Aspen showing him how delicious it feels to embrace his inner beast, Dante will have to go somewhere he never thought he’d return to in order to accomplish the impossible: save the girl he’s been assigned to, and keep the girl he loves.
He makes good girls...bad.
Dante Walker is flippin’ awesome, and he knows it. His good looks, killer charm, and stellar confidence has made him one of hell’s best—a soul collector. His job is simple, weed through humanity and label those round rears with a big, red good or bad stamp. Old Saint Nick gets the good guys, and he gets the fun ones. Bag-and-tag.
Sealing souls is nothing personal. Dante’s an equal opportunity collector and doesn’t want it any other way. But he’ll have to adjust, because Boss Man has given him a new assignment:
Collect Charlie Cooper’s soul within 10 days.
Dante doesn’t know why Boss Man wants Charlie, nor does he care. This assignment means only one thing to him, and that’s a permanent ticket out of hell. But after Dante meets the quirky, Nerd Alert chick he’s come to collect—he realizes this assignment will test his abilities as a collector, and uncover emotions deeply buried.
"I see the good in you, Dante. Even if you don't. I do."
There are no words to quite explain how excited I am to have read this book. I heard about it months ago while searching for new books from one of my favourite publishers Entangled Publishing. I am quite obsessed with their 'Entangled Teen' imprint and have loved so many of their books. After hearing of The Collector I instantly wanted to read it. To be put into the 'ARC Lotto' I was so excited... never did I expect to be one of the names pulled out in Round 1. After jumping up and down in excitement and squealing for well about an hour I instantly dived into The Collector... and all I can say is Oh! My! God! This book is freaking phenomenal and Dante... well.... Dante Walker can corrupt me anyday!
Dante Walker is the best of the best! He is the best damn soul collector out there and he knows it. So when he is given a 'tricky' job by Boss Man Dante thinks no problem. He has 10 days to collect Charlie Cooper's soul. But what Dante doesn't count on is Charlie being the nicest, sweetest person in the world... she may even have the power to cause Dante's long-dead heart beating. Can Dante really deliver Charlie's soul to Boss Man when he is starting to question everything he has known as a Soul Collector?
I am just completely and utterly in love with this novel. I don't know what I was expecting but this surpassed all of my expectations and more. I was completely sucked in from the first page and founf the book extremely difficult to put down until I had reached the end. Victoria Scott is one author to look out for. I just cannot believe that this is her debut novel because it is phenomenal and of such a high standard that I would expect from an author who had been publishing books for years. I was just blown away by The Collector and I think it is one of the best debut's I have ever read in my life.
Charlie is such a great lead character. She is described as someone who has been 'smacked with an ugly stick' Dante's words... not mine! I love that Charlie is not the most beautiful super-model gorgeous girl in the world. To me that makes her more realistic and it's so much easier to identify with her. None of us are perfect (well except Dante of course) and Charlie doesn't pretend to be. She is a nerd (like me) and proud of it! But she also has emotions and is hurt by the thoughts of those around her... She is not weak and is definitely not a damsel-in-distress character who will annoy you, she is strong willed... she's just human. And it makes her so likable and I think she's one of my all time favourite female characters. Yes she's not a kick-ass strong heroine but realistically how many of us are? She is human and real with real emotions and acts like any normal person would when going through what she goes through. I just adore her!
Dante... Okay *fans self* Dante is just your typical hot bad boy that no girl can resist. He is bad with a capital B and I am completely guilty of having bad boy syndrome while reading this book. I fell head-over-hees in lust... err... I mean LOVE... yeah love that's what I mean. Dante is just the epitome of bad boy and even when he was acting like an ass I still loved him and all the mean things he thought I just found hilarious. I just love him. He is the typical bad boy who you know is good deep down in there somewhere and just needs the right girl to find the good guy in him *jumps up and down* I'll be her! I'll be her! *jumps up and down*
I just loved every second of The Collector. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it. The story was strong and perfect the characters were just epically amazing. It has everything, heart-warming uplifting romance, hilarious best friends, action and a heart-shattering emotion. This book will make you laugh out loud loads and also make you cry. It made me laugh, it made me cry so much I couldn't see the words and it just made me swoon so much. The Collector has everything you will ever want in a book and more. I loved every single second of it and this one is not to be missed out on under any circumstances. It was uttery perfect in every way and a must-read for everyone.
DO NOT miss out on this one, it is a must-have and you will not be disappointed!
"I love you, Charlie. I fucking love you so much."