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Kayleigh {K-Books}

I'm a 20-something Psychology Lecturer and Literacy specialist who is obsessed with anything bookish. I run K-Books, a book-blog that has been going for 2 and a half years. I am also a publicist for Spencer Hill Press.

Angel (Angel Trilogy #1)

Angel - L.A. Weatherly

Review Posted on K-Books: http://k-booksxo.blogspot.com/2011/09/angel-angel-trilogy-1.html


There are no words I could possibly say to get across the feelings I felt while reading this book. It left me completely and utterly speechless and the book I read afterwards I couldn't even concentrate on as all I could think about was this story.

Willow is half-angel, she has always had these powers that she has never understood or known why. Her mother can't speak to her and half the time doesn't even know who Willow is. That all changed when she meets the mysterious, devastatingly gorgeous Alex. Alex is an AK, an Angel Killer, his target? Willow. The half-angel who has no idea what she is let alone what she can do. Going on the run together both must cope with being together at all times, but will the two of them be able to fight their growing feelings for the other when they are supposed to hate each other?

I instantly fell in love with this book and the story. All the other angel books I have read have been about fallen angels so when I picked this book up I instantly thought it was going to be similar. God, was I wrong.
Angel is definitely a fresh new twist on angel stories. Never would I have imagined reading a book where angels are evil. I love that it's a new take on the angel story and you will not find similarities to other angel stories so far published in the young-adult genre.
I love how the book is so different to others in it's genre, when reading books that are about the same thing, e.g. Hush Hush and Fallen, you can easily get bored as it sometimes feels like you are re-reading the same story but wrote in a different way. You will not get that feelings with this book. It is so unique and one of the best reads I have read all year.

I love Willow, she is such a great character and the reader feels everything along with her troughout the book. You feel her confusion as she learns just what she is, how she tries to fight her growing feelings for Alex whom she believes truly hates her and her fear as she discovers her destiny and just what it is she's expected to do to defeat the angels.
Alex is one of the characters that any girl who reads it will not be able to help but love him. He's definitely the bad boy of the book and I loved him. I love how he has been through so much and he always puts on the tough guy image but when you read more about him then you see his more vulnerable side where all he wants is revenge for what the angels did to his family.

If there is only one angel book you read this year make sure it is Angel.
Angel is a fast-paced, unputdownable book that is so addictive it keeps you yearning for more. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next.
I loved every moment of this book, and it's a highly addictive start to what's looking up to being an amazing series, one that I will be rushing to the bookstore to get as soon as it is released.